Staying Safe In an Unsafe World: A Guide for College Women eBook

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Staying Safe In an Unsafe World


A Guide for College Women


“That would never happen to me.”

Have you ever said this, or heard someone else say it?



This world is very unsafe. Crime rates throughout the country are high. Young women on their own in the world are frequently at risk.  Women leaving home and entering college, and those who soon will be, can benefit from the information in this book. It is a common sense approach for young people to the threats of today’s world. This guide offers essential education on possible dangers. It then offers practical strategies and solutions that can help individuals avoid trouble.


Staying Safe will teach young women behavior patterns that will increase their ability to avoid the monsters and stay safe in this very unsafe world.


“With my experience directing the murder investigations that ultimately led to the capture, conviction, and execution of serial killer Ted Bundy for these crimes in Tallahassee, Florida, I can enthusiastically recommend Mr. Parke’s book as a must read.”

W. Ken Katsaris, elected Sheriff of Leon County in Tallahassee, Florida from 1977-1981, during the well-known terror spree of Ted Bundy.




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